Thursday, May 28, 2009

Trimming the Lawn

At West Point, the privatized housing company, Balfour Beatty, comes to mow all of the lawns that don't have fences. We, of course, have a fence which we accepted from the previous tenants.
We thought we were being nice not to make the retirement eligibles have to remove it on their way out. Plus, we had a small child at the time with thoughts of more small children - maybe a lot of them. A fence is good when you have small children, isn't it? We thought so!
When Balfour Beatty took over, the somewhat angry Department of Public Works and Housing took back their community lawn mower. So, now we have a fenced, unmowed lawn, and no access to the lawn mower we previously used to mow it. With that option out, I tried to slip the guys with the weed eaters a 20 spot to come spend thirty seconds trimming our yard. It wouldn't even take that long it's so small - but, alas, they yelled something about liability over the noise of the machines and moved on.
So - here we are as a family all cutting the lawn. It's not exactly even or weeded, but the boys sure had a good time. As an aside, Balfour Beaty is giving out a yard of the month prize based on appearance and "effort." I'm not sure about appearance, but I think we should win based on effort alone.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Babble Princess

Marisa Speaks! We caught her on video mimmicking wonderful stuff
like "hi" and "I love you."
She's so smart!

Luciano's Stage Debut - May 3, 2009

The Pirates took to the stage on May 3, to dazzle us with their swords and dance moves. Here is a video of the dress rehearsal (cameras were not allowed on actual performance night. - they told us flashes would distract the dancers - right.) The only thing that's really missing here is the stage decorations from the following recital day.

Luciano seemed to be right at home on the stage and impressively attentive to the instructor. Some of the other boys, as you may notice, are not quite as attentive, but cute as all get out just the same. We had such a great time watching them, and most importantly, I think Luciano had a fun time performing. Special thanks to Brenda Sparrow for taking this video!